Around 1.4 million homes in the UK, including homes in Essex, suffer from damp problems. Serious condensation and mould growth are the biggest damp issues in homes in Essex, and across the UK, suffer from.
With a wealth of experience resolving even the toughest damp problems, Propotec is perfectly-positioned to quickly and efficiently resolve any damp problems your property is faced with.Working across Essex, London and the surrounding areas, our treatment has been used by a wide range of customers in the region, making us one of the most-trusted damp proofing specialists in Essex.
Great Britain has one of the oldest housing stocks in Europe. Many homes across Essex – and indeed throughout Great Britain – suffer greatly from poor insulation and insufficient ventilation, resulting in a build-up of moisture in the air.
Despite damp proofing in Essex being compulsory in the construction of properties in the country – and indeed throughout the UK – since 1875, over a prolonged period defective damp courses break down. If left untreated, this can lead to many homes developing a damp problem – something that can wreak havoc in your property – and on your health and well-being.
Rising damp can be particularly troublesome in older properties where the Damp Proof Course (DPC) has become damaged or where the ground level around the house has been raised by the addition of a new exterior aesthetic, such as a driveway or path.
Over time water works into the defective mortar that holds the brickwork together and into the brickwork itself. Often containing soluble salts that are consequently deposited on the walls as they dry out. These salts draw moisture from the atmosphere. This gives the way a permanently damp appearance.
As damp, woodworm and dry rot specialists, Propotec know how best to treat rising damp in the home. Whether using a silicone-based water repellent or installing a proficient extractor fan, we can advise you on how best to treat damp. Trusted as one of the leading damp specialists in Essex, we can assess your property before helping you to resolve any damp issue you may be experiencing.
We’re happy to provide you with a comprehensive home damp survey. This will allow us to ascertain if you’re property has a troublesome damp issue. We will then advise you of the best solution, prevention and treatment.
To learn more about how we can help you resolve rising or penetrating damp, or why we are considered the leading damp proofing specialists in Essex, and the surrounding areas, call us today on: 0800 269422 or 01638 741377. You can also contact us online by filling out the contact form here.